We do not compromise on safety – we are wholly dedicated to zero harm to people and the environment
ETL is committed to providing a safe workplace for our employees and contractors, at the same time, delivering the highest quality solutions to our clients while protecting the environment.
Health and Safety
ETL’s culture is underpinned by the philosophy that no job is worth an injury and the belief that all injuries are preventable.

With people often working in demanding and challenging environments, ETL’s commitment to health and safety encompasses not just our employees but everyone on site or who may be affected by our activities, and includes all contractors and visitors to site. With decades of experience in offshore work, ETL understands and provides the extra procedures and measures required to ensure environmental and safety levels that will protect people and be responsive should an emergency occur.
We are extremely proud of our safety record. Since our inception in the 1990s, we have been responsible for more than 450 offtakes, equating to approximately 30 million of barrels of oil, without injury.
We believe that a safe and healthy workforce builds business success and we are dedicated to continuing our commitment to zero harm to people and the environment.
ETL is very aware of the sensitive work our people conduct, both on and offshore, and our goal of zero harm extends beyond the safety of our people to the safety and protection of our environment.

We take great care to minimise environmental risks through our rigid operational procedures. We have developed stringent procedures under the umbrella of our Integrated Management System (IMS) to cover all aspects of what we do, including procedures to manage the transfer of crude oil from FPSO/FSO to offtake tanker in a safe and controlled manner. Through our diligence, training and attention to safe practices, we are proud to have managed over 450 oil cargo transfers in Taranaki since 1997 with a NIL oil spill count.
Operating within our IMS ensures rigorous procedures and controls are in place for all of our onshore operations including our stevedoring operations. We recognise that Stevedoring is the second most hazardous occupation in New Zealand today, and we are single-minded in our dedication to ensuring our team comes to zero harm in the workplace.
Quality Management
ETL Group is committed to excellence in all of the services we deliver, and because we are committed to excellence, we know the importance of robust quality management systems. We strive for continuous improvement in our processes and practices to, in turn, improve our effectiveness and efficiency to our clients. For us, this commitment to excellence is what sets apart from others.
Our IMS is designed and written to ensure compliance with AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015 requirements.